The Gifts of Imperfection 

We Just finished our women's class tonight and our topic was: Courage, Compassion and Connection Are the gifts of imperfection! In Breńe Browns research, wholehearted people practices these 3 Cs. In order for us to grow in our worthiness, we need to grow in our courage, compassion (to ourselves and not just others) and connection … Continue reading The Gifts of Imperfection 

Gratitude: The Secret of a Joyful Traveller 

For a travel enthusiast like me, it's very easy to fall into a trap of finding our joy in travelling. It's true travelling  really gives me joy but thinking that's the only way to be joyful can be very dangerous. I cannot afford to be travelling all the time right? Though sometimes I day dream … Continue reading Gratitude: The Secret of a Joyful Traveller 

5 Amazing Reasons to Visit Penang, Malaysia 

I want to be extra grateful today. I decided to rediscover #Penang - the city where I'm currently living. Because it's my birthday today. Yay! For those who are not familiar in Malaysia Penang is located in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia. It is 3 hours drive up to the border of Southern Thailand … Continue reading 5 Amazing Reasons to Visit Penang, Malaysia 

Why are you travelling? 

As I start blogging my travels and after a month into it,  it makes me think deeply why do I want to start a travel blog. Some question that comes to my mind: Is this important? Will the people that I will inspire through my blog really need travelling as part of their lifestyle? Why … Continue reading Why are you travelling? 

Grateful Traveller

I am excited to talk about gratitude and travelling and why my blog is called Grateful traveller.  I've been wanting to write about gratitude for a long time now. I believe this virtue is so important and so effective in making our lives lighter, more joyful and meaningful yet it is so hard to practice … Continue reading Grateful Traveller

When the beach says “I love you”

So beautiful isn't? I came back recently from my trip to Western Australia and had my best reflecting times in this beach. It's for our junior staff retreat in church. Oh man I just love Australia, people there are just blessed to have amazing and breathtaking sceneries. That trip was so special because it makes … Continue reading When the beach says “I love you”